Germain intern

Read about Germain his experience as an intern at Dynaf Group

Don’t hesitate and do it!

Service Intern Germain

Don’t hesitate and do it!

Germain is doing his internship at Dynaf Group from 1 November 2020 until 30 April 2021.

In 2017 I started my study of Electrical Engineering at the University of Curaçao (UoC) with the mayor of Energy Technology. Now I am standing at the door to finish my Bachelor. But to do so I have to complete an internship with a company that has the requirements of my studies.

The University requires for an abroad internship which was very challenging for me to find a company willing to take me as an intern. This was due to the current COVID-19 pandemic that a lot of companies didn’t want the risk of taking interns from abroad. Because of this struggle I have decided to do my internship here on Curaçao. After three months of searching, I finally got the opportunity to start my internship at Dynaf Group. I would like to thank the Dynaf Team for giving me the chance to complete my internship.

At my first interview at Dynaf it felt like I was applying for an actual job and not for an internship position. This truly showed me how serious they were, and that they were not looking for just anyone, but for someone capable and eager to learn new things.

After receiving the “Green light” from Dynaf I got my internship assignment right away. My mentor told me “Germain make it happen”, And that’s exactly what I did. I held strong to those words. They motivated me to push myself to accomplish my tasks and goals.

The internship assignment was challenging because at school, we were only taught the basics of generators. I had to learn on the go everything I could about the diesel generators and their ATS systems. It was not easy but I motived myself every day and reminded myself that “God is faithful and will not let me be tested beyond my strength”.

While working at Dynaf I have learned a lot. I got to know my capabilities and my limitations which made me step outside of my comfort zone and deal with people who have a difference in opinion and mindset compared to mine. They shared their experiences and ways to solve problems, and I created solutions that used modern technologies and solutions to give results. Due to all this, I grew and have developed my personal way of thinking and further developed my communication skills.

If you are reading this and you are looking for an internship position here, do not hesitate to contact them. With just one “Yes” many doors can open to help you grow professionally.

For the opportunity that you all gave me, I will always be grateful.

Thank you Dynaf Curaçao!

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